What is Computer Network
- Computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware devices so that network users can share hardware, software, data and they can communicate with each other electronically.
What is the Importance of Computer Networks
- Allow the user to access remote programs and remote database either of the same organization or from other enterprises or public sources.
Network Component
What you need to set up a network?
- Hosts/ End Nodes
- Refers to the data source and the data destination. For examples:
- Personal computers
- Terminals
- Workstations
- Automatics Teller Machine
- Transmission Media
Network Electronic Device
- Responsible to control data from source to destination.
- Provide interface between different media transmitter or for different protocol.
- To connect multiple network together or to connect computer or network to the inetrnet.
- Examples of Network Electronic Device
- Bridges
- Routers
- Multiplexers
- Switches
- Hubs
- Gateways
- Front End Processors
Applications/ Software
- The applications at the end nodes ( is a peripheral unit in a network, or a primary designated unit within that network. IT professionals and others use the term "end node" to specify a certain hardware component of a network that has its own role and properties within that network system) normally involves technique and protocols.
- The protocols determines the rules and procedure to send data, terminate data, interpret data, present data and control mistakes.
- Software in the network functions to ensure data is delivered at respective destination.
Network Architecture Standard and Protocol
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